First lesson - Getting Started
Module Content
- Basic concepts of patch insulin pumps
- Portable Diabetes Assistant (PDA) controls
- Settings wizard
Watch the video first, then read the sections below.
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Equil™ system components - Reusable parts:

Equil pump




bat. & charger
Consumables parts:

- pump base
- canuula
- reservoir

Consumables parts:
Not included in pump package
- pump base
- canuula
- reservoir
Tips - before getting started
Frequently Asked Questions
Howsafe is the patch insulin pump? Will there be an overdose?
The patch insulin pump uses specialized motor technology for enhanced reliability and precision. To prevent malfunctions, the control system incorporates a robust monitoring mechanism that continuously verifies the motor’s operation, ensuring accurate insulin delivery and minimizing the risk of overdose.
How can I upload my data?
you can upload your data to Equil cloud service. and give the ability to your medical service provider to review and check it remotely.